Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Is it soup yet?

Candidly, I have no idea what to record / write about here.

I think that the purpose of this blog will to be to capture the silliness that I see / have seen because silly makes me laugh. Soon enough, my brain will be mush (small puddle, thank you) and soon after that I won't remember these silly events. Better write them down now.

My partner in silly is my wife, Linda. She is without a doubt the sweetest and silliest person I know. In case  "Who is the silliest person in the world?" is the question asked on Final Jeopardy tonight, Linda Kenny is the answer. I love you silly wife.

Long before I met and  married the silliest person on planet, my silly pedigree was assured. I grew up in an insane family with at least one insane parent.From time to time, we even had insane pets. We were the typical american family, just the irish catholic version with double the kids.

Having spent my adult life working in the construction industry has provided a portal to see what some of the other idiots on the planet are  up to. I suppose it is the same in other vocations, professions, but I have to admit to having the unfair advantage (silly stories) due to the cranial capacity and skill set that construction personnel bring to the table to begin with. It's like putting crates of live hand grenades in a room full of chimps and then giving the hairy knuckleheads prybars.
I'm sure your experiences are good, mine are just  better, funnier, sillier.

NY Rangers play tonight, home game on MSG. Thanks to the aforementioned insane parent, I have rooted for the Rangers since the GAG line. What a game, they give you a stick and you can hit people with it when the referee isn't looking. I don't want to jinx the team so I'll just state that the group assembled (players and coaches) are doing it right this year, except for that stupid hat. Now they just have to keep doing it. So far, so good. Let's Go Rangers!

Time to close this and put together the job log entry for the current project. Then I need to collect my whine list for tomorrow's project meeting.

Tune in next time, I may offer up a silly story, then again, maybe not

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